Tourism routes


Available guided tours:

  • in Latvian, Russian and Latgalian language [booking by phone +371 26532508 or + 371 65471321]


 (Duration time: 40 min. –  1 hour)

1st floor


In the exhibition are viewable works of art in bronze, in which especially brightly expressed talent facets of the sculptress Valentina Zeile. Most of the exhibits consist of the medals and plaquettes because sculptress is considered as the leading medal artist in the former Soviet Union.


Once Valentina Zeile gave the promise: wherever she would not live, she will always come back to her hometown with her works of art. The promise fulfilled in public collection store – room „Workshop of Valentina Zeile” where can be viewed and stored unexposed part of Valentina Zeile collection. The collection consists of more than 6200 items, which are mainly created before sculptress departure to Paris [1956-1982]. Workshop of Valentina Zeile designed as a public collection store – room that reflects the artist’s creative life in Vecdaugava [Riga, Latvia].


The photo story about the unique Zeile family.  2 talented artists – Valentine and Gertrude Zeile was brought up and educated in the ordinary peasant family. Exhibition visitors address photos of the beginning of the 20th century that show the two sisters father Anthonijs Zeile with his mother Magdalene Zeile at the native home at the “Mazie Lachi” in Izvalta. But the thematic Valentina Zeile sculpture exhibition from museum collection store “THE CONVERSATION” displaying sculpture cycle “A TRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF CHRIST” (consists of 8 sculpture dedicated to the religious theme. 6 of them are represented in the exhibition)


The exhibition represents the protected area of unique Augšdaugava landscape territory and nature park „Daugavas Loki”.  The nature park as part of Augsdaugava protected landscapes area was recognized as the NATURA 2000 territory in 2004, but in 2011 this park was included in the Latvian National UNESCO World Heritage List. Visitors can use various multimedia solutions for more information such as floor interactive projection with sound shower to listen to sounds of nature, as well as Led display for more information about Daugavpils hydropower station history or holocube.

2nd floor


The exhibition consists of household items that characterize the Polish culture, fashion and traditions in the second half of 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Furniture, Kuznetsov Porcelain Factory dishes and fine embroidery, compositionally reflect the living room interior of the first half of the 20th century. The main part of the exhibits consists of Naujene children`s home donated collection, as well as Daugavpils region inhabitants donations.

Ethnographic exhibitions building


[the end of the 19th century – the first half of the 20th century]

The exposition consists of household objects and tools that characterize Latgale wealthy farmer’s home interior, lifestyle, traditions and culture in Naujene parish at the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.

Guided tour in the museum:  students, seniors – 1,50 EUR, adults – 2,00 EUR per person, free Wi-fi, parking


(Duration time: 2,5- 4 hours)

The route has been created to represent the protected area of unique Augšdaugava landscape territory and the nature park „Daugavas Loki”. The Nature park was created to preserve the unique natural complexes, natural, cultural and historical values and little – transformed landscapes of the ancient valley of the River Daugava on the site of Naujene to Kraslava. The bends of the ancient valley of the Daugava are considered to be the oldest geological formations in Latvia. The nature park as part of Augsdaugava protected landscapes area was recognized as the NATURA 2000 territory in 2004, but in 2011 this park was included in the Latvian National UNESCO World Heritage List. The River Daugava is a structural axis for the nature park, forming picturesque bends. Since ancient times the River Daugava was the main element of the development of this area – water trade route. Castles and villages were built on the banks of the river. An ancient but eternally young Daugava with its apparent calm watercourse had been conducting a titanic effort, for thousands of years creating a unique valley that produces an unforgettable impression on each traveller.

The route for tourists “Secrets of Augšaugava” includes picturesque landscapes from the banks of the River Daugava. Sightseeing places: Naujene Local History Museum, the model of Middle – Ages Livonian  Order Dinaburg castle, Vasargalisķi viewing tower,  Markova exploration trail and Slutišķi old believers village with exposition “Slutišķi old-believers’ farmstead”).

Guided tour:  students, seniors – 5,30 EUR, adults – 9,50 EUR per person. 


(Duration time:  1 hour)

The route has been created to represent the cultural heritage of Slutiški old believer’s village. In the bend of Daugava valley, Slutišķi old believer’s village has been hidden from the curious eyes of foreigners, which is zoned off of the surrounding world by the calm flow of the destiny river, Markova castle mound, and by thawing of the Baltic glacier, the terrain has been formed. Time has stopped here some 100 years ago. The splendid window decorations, the doors and the household objects in the local museum tell us about excellent handicraftsmen – the Old-believers. In the village centre, right at the carriage-drive, the exposition „Slutišķi old-believers’ farmstead” is located. Standing at the place, where there used to be a farmstead so-called “Russian yard”, a story begins about the house of the rich Slutišķi village host Ivans Jermolajevs.

Today, you can see here the exposition of Naujene Local History Museum. Old believers from Russia considered Slutišķi by its detachment from the surrounding world and the distant location as the Promised Land, where one can keep his own traditions saving the soul from the sinful world. Not without reason Slutišķi is called the „small Siberia”- here, in a foreign land, at Daugava River, working very hard, old believers had to settle down for a long time in Latgale. That is why in 2005, in the „Slutišķi Old-believers’ farmstead”, the Siberian scenes of the third part of the movie “Likteņa līdumnieki” were filmed.

Tourism route includes also visit the Markova castle mound, well-equipped rest place near the Daugava river “Latgalian farmstead”, walk through the village, stop point at Slutišķi Middle Ages cemetery.

Guided tour:  students, seniors – 4,10 EUR, adults – 7,50 EUR per person. also available to rent  the shed for event – 5,00 EUR per event


(Duration time:  1 hour)

19 km from Daugavpils, in a southeast part of Latvia, is located Naujene`s parish. Here the river Daugava forms picturesque bends that’s why in 1990 here formed the natural park of the state value «Daugavas loki». One of the pearls of the natural park – 13 century Livonia Order Dinaburg Medieval castle ruins with a small castle model 1:40.

The Dinaburg castle was founded in 1275. Here museum has developed a rout for a tourists «Dinagurg – the predecessor of Daugavpils». The route includes historical places and gives an opportunity to plunge into the world of the Middle Ages. Bridges, streamlets, the narrow footpaths, the rich nature, the place of ancient settlement, Dinaburg castle model – all it makes an indelible impression and forces again to come back to touch history.

Not far from the castle ruins for tourists available well-equipped rest place “Knights square” where visitors can organize picnics or other activities.

Guided tour: students, seniors – 2,00 EUR, adults – 4,00 EUR per person.
