The Augšdaugava Big Quilt

UPDATED INFORMATION : – The project was successfully  finished in 2023!  Thank you to all participants. Now The Augšdaugava Big Quilt is exhibited in Naujene Local History museum premises. 

We invite everybody to participate in the creation of The Augšdaugava Big Quilt [Lielais Augšdaugavas musturdeķis]! The aim is to create the biggest quilt in Latvia and in the world, which could be stretched over the river Daugava from one it’s bank to the other in the place that is known as one of the ten green pearls of Latvia – “The Gate of Daugava” [“Daugavas vārti”].  We would like to involve as many participants as possible so that our achievement gets registered in the Guinness Book of Records. To join the activity a participant is expected to knit, weave or crochet a needlework (size – 10 x 10 cm or 20 x 20 cm).

At the moment the campaign has attracted more than 5000 people and knitted, weaved and crocheted pieces are combined in the 300 m long Augšdaugava Big Quilt. Let’s make the biggest quilt in Latvia and in the world together!

We are waiting for new participants!!!
